Available Data & Access

Manage commercial risk with reliable financial and business data from Tiresias database.
Who has access to TSEK database?

All businesses, regardless of sector and size, and sole traders that engage in credit transactions, who need to assess the financial risk undertaken in each transaction.

How is access granted?

After selecting and paying the annual subscription that meets your needs, you have immediate access to https://tsek.teiresias.gr, to search online data based on the VAT numbers of the businesses / sole traders you are interested in.

What kind of data do you have access to?

The most recent and complete data on financial behavior, as recorded in the Default Financial Obligation System (DFO) and the Mortgages and Prenotations to Mortgages System (MPS) of Tiresias:

  • Bounced cheques
  • Bills of exchange and promissory notes unpaid at their expiry
  • Applications for bankruptcy (Greek Law No 3588/2007 and 4738/2020) – Judgments rejecting bankruptcy applications because the debtor does not have sufficient assets(Article 6 (2) of Law 3588/2007, Article 77 (4) of Law 4738/2020, Article 178 (1) of Law 4738/2020)
  • Applications and judgments on consolidation (Article 99 et seq. of Law 3588/2007 and Article 31 et seq.of Law 4738/2020)
  • Declared bankruptcies (Greek Law No 3588/2007 and 4738/2020)
  • Orders for payment & Eviction Orders
  • Immovable property auctions
  • Moveable property auctions
  • Mortgages and prenotations of mortgage
  • Prenotations converted to mortgages
  • Seizure of immovable properties and registration of payment orders under Legislative Decree 17.7/13.8.1923
  • Applications for debt adjustments and discharge and debt adjustment judgments under Law no.3869/2010

Specifically, you are granted access, per category of data, to detailed information (items and amounts) for each of the last four years and aggregated information for the previous years with indication whether these have been settled at a later date, always in accordance with the required procedures data retention times.

Business information concerning:

  • Published announcements on the General Commercial Register (G.E.MI)
  • Balance sheets with financial ratios in electronic and editable format since 2015 and
  • Sector financial indicators

From what sources are our data collected?
Credit and financing institutions

  • Bounced cheques
  • Bills of exchange and promissory notes unpaid at expiry
  • Applications for debt adjustments and discharge and debt adjustment judgments (Article 8 of Law no.3869/2010
Courts of Justice
  • Payment orders & Eviction orders
  • Moveable property auctions
  • Applications for debt adjustments and discharge and debt adjustment judgments (Article 8 of Law no.3869/2010
  • Applications for bankruptcy (Greek Law No 3588/2007 and 4738/2020)
  • Judgments rejecting bankruptcy applications because the debtor does not have sufficient assets(Article 6 (2) of Law 3588/2007, Article 77 (4) of Law 4738/2020, Article 178 (1) of Law 4738/2020)
  • Declared bankruptcies (Greek Law No 3588/2007 and 4738/2020)
  • Judgments on consolidation for /resolution decisions (Articles 99 et seq. Bankruptcy Code of Law 3588/2007 and Article 31 et seq.of Law 4738/2020)
Land Registries & Cadastral Offices
  • Prenotations converted to mortgages Seizure of immovable properties and registration of payment orders under Legislative Decree 17.7/13.8.1923
  • Mortgages & prenotations of mortgage
Unified Social Security Institution (E.F.K.A)-Lawyers’ Insurance Fund (TAN) auction website and e-auction website

  • Immovable property auctions
  • Moveable property auctions
Online Solvency Register

  • Applications for bankruptcy (Law 3588/2007, Law 4738/2020)
  • Judgments rejecting bankruptcy applications petitions because the debtor does not have sufficient assets (Article 6 (2) of Law 3588/2007, Article 77 (4) of Law 4738/2020, Article 178 (1) of Law 4738/2020)
  • Declared Bankruptcies (Law 3588/2007, Law 4738/2020)
General Commercial Registry (GEMI)
  • Published business announcements
  • Published balance sheets (PDF & digitalized version)

When is the service available?

TSEK service is available from 08:00 to 21:00 all week days.
After 21:00, the Tiresias database is updated with current and new data, to ensure that TSEK provides the latest up to date reliable data.


TSEK Team provides direct personal service for any clarification you may need, throughout your subscription.
TSEK team consists of professionals with experience and knowledge of the systems and data held by Tiresias and are always at your disposal from 09:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.

Contact us

Having daily contact with businesses, we can understand your business needs and we are here to assist you.

Contact us at +30 210 6382914, 210 6382878, 210 6382922 or send as an email at tsekinfo@tiresias.gr

Contact Us

210 36.76.700
working days 8:30 - 17:00