Social Contribution

Business culture & social contribution

Since our establishment, we have been actively engaged in society, by practically supporting charitable organisations who do important work and by contributing in emergency situations, both through the personal involvement of our employees in various actions and through financial assistance. Respect for our employees, safety and hygiene in the workplace, continuous training and encouragement to participate in social activities are all vital features of our identity. Moreover, through specific actions and processes, we aim at reducing the environmental impact of our operations.

Main Pillars of Social Responsibility Actions of Tiresias:

Corporate Social Responsibility

Supporting NGOs through TSEK

The Donations function of TSEK platform aims to support those in need, specifically institutions and NGOs for children. We provide TSEK business members with the opportunity to select the amount of donation to any of the following institutions - Make A Wish, The Tipping Point, SKEP, ELEPAP - while we reward them with free usage of TSEK services, equal to 20% of the donated amount.

Participation of our employees in actions for the welfare of the community

We support local communities as well as charitable organizations by providing material and / or financial assistance. In the last 10 years alone, eleven (11) NGOs have received support in total, including ELEPAP, PIKPA Pentelis, the Smile of the Child, Make a Wish and Lyreio Ecclesiastical Foundation, through donations in money or in kind, and also thanks to employee initiatives, such as collecting funds, clothes, books and toys, and the purchase of heating oil and personal computers. More about these actions you can read here.

Environmental Responsibility

We have set up a system for the recycling of paper, plastic and aluminium, in collaboration with the NGO “KLIMAX PLUS”, thus indirectly assisting vulnerable groups and their re-integration into society. To raise awareness amongst our staff, we inform and train our employees on environmental and recycling issues, both through our internal newsletter and other means of internal communication.

We care for our staff

Respect for our employees, safety and hygiene in the workplace, continuous training and encouragement to participate in social activities are all vital features of our identity.

Contact Us

210 36.76.700
working days 8:30 - 17:00