Sector data that complement your information
The sector financial data help you assess the relative performance position of a company in its sector, in order to gain a more complete picture of any existing or potential business partner and to differentiate your credit policy accordingly. Moreover, they provide information about the performance of the different sectors of the Greek economy, while you may also display aggregate data and group indicators of companies of your choice.
For the company that you search, the aggregate sector financial indicators are being displayed together with your company’s balance sheet, for comparison, if needed.
The sector information provided can also be saved and exported for further processing.
In the Search of Sectoral Financial data, any sector of the Greek economy can be searched, either by selecting from the drop down menu, or by sector code, or by keyword.
The Search of Sectoral Financial data for the selected sector provides for two (2) years:
- The number of companies belonging to the specific main sector and how many of them are profitable (profits after taxes).
- List of the companies in the sector included in the calculation of the financial data. In the list of companies you can see the VAT number, the company name, the ZIP code of its headquarters, the size and the turnover.
- Οptional display of your own company’s balance sheets (for comparison)
- Consolidated 22 basic financial elements (Assets & Liabilities)
- 27 financial ratios for the sector (Liquidity ratios, .Financial structure and viability ratios and Activity of efficiency ratios)
- Ability to store and process the information
- Notes on the calculation of the sector financial ratios
With the Financial data of a group of companies Search you may create your own sample of companies.
You can enter up to ten (10) VAT numbers of any companies, regardless of industry or size and, if balance sheets are available on TSEK, aggregate financial data and ratios are displayed only for the group that has been selected. Specifically:
- Consolidated 22 basic financial elements and 27 financial ratios
- Ability to store and process the information.